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Every Detail About Mortage Investment

Posted by localz on September 22, 2021
Mortgage investment - لندن هاوس - London House

Everyone is looking for the perfectly guaranteed opportunity to make sure their family is safe and sound when it comes to their financial future.

But before going through the different types of investments in the Egyptian modern days, let’s start with “What is the investment?”.

Investing is how you direct your savings to freeze them for a long time profit, making sure its value increases greatly through the years.

One of the main reasons why people get into the idea of investing is to pave the road for their family, especially their children, into having a bright future, a one with no financial struggle.

But why would someone gamble with their money, when it’s a 50/50 chance when it comes to profit, they might face inflation, the value of the US dollar, or simply just lose 100% of their savings!

This is why people tend to take it slow while choosing what type of investment they would take a chance on.

Modern ways of investment

After realizing the importance of investment, and after realizing everyone’s motives and what makes them eager to do it, even with the financial risks that might be ahead of them, here comes the bigger question, what is the best channel of investment?

The one that guarantees a high profit, and zero financial loss. Some people try things out with the stock, the most popular way of investment over the years. But the stock is known for its ups and many downs, due to economical and political changes.

Other people tend to invest through gold, then the factory less hits them, so they lose approximately a quarter of the original value they invested. Moreover, the gold value itself is facing a lot of ups and downs through the year, since it is connected to the US dollar value as well.

As for Real Estate (Mortgage investment), it is a fixed value that is 100% guaranteed to increase, unlike other ways of investment that have many shots to it, because have you ever seen a generation who does not care for a roof on their heads?

This is why most people nowadays are shifting their savings to real estate, so they can rent it and later on double or triple its original value so they can sell it for profit or keep the wheel rolling as it is.

The perks of mortgage investment

  • Guarantees a fixed income that will also be increasing over time.
  • You will be able to double, triple, or even quadruple your own savings.
  • Avoiding the chances of losing, unlike the stock, it’s always a win-win situation with real estate.
  • Your first successful Mortgage investment will encourage you to do more.

There are many ways to guarantee your investment is right, with the maximum ROI:

  • Mortgage investment where you live or work: To target real estate units that are around where you live or work to keep a closer eye on your investment, it is also a way to save transportation money, energy, and peace of mind.
  • Investing in new cities: In the past, a neighborhood like Maadi was considered a far and isolated place, now it’s one of the most elegant places to live in Egypt, with a high cost per meter that only the A class could afford. This is the same case, if you can have a good eye for a certain neighborhood, take the chance on it, it might turn out to be the new Maadi.
  • Investing in commercial units: One of the ways to invest is to put your money on the commercial units, where you can charge a great rent that suits the location, and space you offer. You can also renew the contract every few years to adjust the rent and duration to guarantee more profit.

Advice for the best Mortgage investment

And one of the most important pieces of advice each new investor should listen to is to wait, and listen, scout the competition, and choose the right real estate developer.

Keep in mind all your wishes, list them down, and decide your budget and space. Break a leg!

1- Treat your investment as if it were your small business

Always try to have your view of the future, and this will make you study the market well in terms of the price per square meter in the area and the behavior of its residents.

2- Choosing the right location

You should ask yourself a few questions to reach the right choice, such as The demand for real estate in the area? Is the demand increasing?

rate of increase in demand? The future of this region? Is real estate in this area licensed? What distinguishes this region for investment from others?

3- Near the property for services

The place of your investment should be close to the services and frequented by people frequently, such as universities, entertainment places, important residential areas, for the sake of easy renting the place – if you wish -.

4- Follow all changes in the law

This advice is one of the most important tips that must be taken into account, which is to know everything that is new and changing in the real estate market laws.

5- Real estate experts

Consult experts in the field of real estate investment in order to make the most of their opinions, which consist of previous experience, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

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